Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren / Ben Solo have strong connections with each other as pairs and as a group of three, culminating in the showdown scene in the forest on Starkiller at the end of The Force Awakens. I’m interested in considering these characters together, not setting them up against one another. “Rey and Kylo”. I haven’t seen an extended meta that focused on these three characters equally, so that’s the space I want to fill with this meta. There does seem to be a general preference in the fandom to keep the dynamics between those characters neatly split between “Finn and Rey” vs. There are also good meta about Finn, but several of those I’ve seen come from an anti-Kylo direction. There are lots of great meta about Rey and Kylo Ren, particularly coming out of the Reylo fandom. I don’t write much meta and this isn’t intended to be a work of scholarship, I just want to investigate the relationships that these three characters have with each other. One million thanks to and for talking through this with me and being so encouraging. This is a meta about Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren and their interactions in The Force Awakens.