However, during the ceremony Osiris's brother Seth, who was practically banished by their father sun Ra to rule the barren desert lands, marches in with an invincible magical army to seize the crown, wed love goddess Hathor, lock her blinded fiance Horus in his tomb, and install a reign of terror over Egypt, reduced to slavish drudgery and denying a happy afterlife to all but those who can buy themselves out of hell. In an Age of physically ruling Pharaonic gods, Osiris assembles all Egypt's capital to witness transferring his happy reign of the Nile kingdom to his conceited son, Horus. His love, Hathor pleads with Set to spare him and he is instead exiled in exchange for Egypt's surrender. Horus is stripped of his eyes, the source of his power, and almost killed. During the ceremony, Osiris is killed by his extremely jealous brother Set, who seizes the throne and declares a new regime where the dead will have to pay with riches to pass into the afterlife. A young thief named Bek and his love Zaya are attending the coronation of Horus. The gods differ from humans by their greater height, golden blood, and ability to transform into their divine forms. Set in the mythology of ancient Egypt, the world is flat and the Egyptian gods live among humans. Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil They team up and soon Horus' lover Hathor, the goddess of love, leaves Set and joins them in their quest to defeat the evil Set. In return, he demands that Horus bring his beloved Zaya back from the underworld.

Urshu kills Zaya with an arrow and when Bek reaches Horus' shelter, he proposes to help the god to retrieve his other eye.

Bek succeeds but retrieves only one of the eyes however Urshu discovers the theft and Bek and Zaya need to flee.

Zaya, who is working for Set's architect Urshu, convinces Bek to steal the eyes of Horus from a well-protected pyramid designed by Urshu to give them back to Horus, the only one capable to defeat Set. The mortal thief Bek and his beloved wife Zaya that worships Horus become slaves of Set. Then he withdraws the eyes of Horus that are his source of power and exiles him in the desert. During the coronation of Horus by his father Osiris, Set betrays his brother and kills him. In the ancient Egypt, the god Ra has split Egypt in two: the fertile part with the Nile would be ruled by his son Osiris and the desert by his son Set.