If you go down, they will either rush to your aid or lock down the situation to the best of their ability depending on your orders. If you tell them to take up a defensive position, not only will they get there without fail except in very exceptional circumstances, but will hold it properly for quite a long time. Artificial Brilliance: Your team is quite efficient in their own right.Scorch: That was for Delta twenty-three! Or was that thirty-two? Added Alliterative Appeal: From Scorch:.RC-1136 is Darman, the POV character for the prologue. The events of Hard Contact's prologue get a brief mention in a throwaway line by the team's advisor - when assigning the team to locate and destroy a Geonosian factory, he notes that they are taking over for "Three-Six's squad" who were wiped out.To a lesser extent, the prologue of Hard Contact may fall within this category too, as it's unclear just how and when the events detailed there fit in with the game, given that the first few Geonosis levels segue into each other. Adaptation Distillation: Parts of the game's Kashyyyk segments were adapted in Order 66, but details varied, to put things mildly.This means that you can't simply reload an old beam weapon with the ammo of the new one and have to discard the old one once it's spent.
Abnormal Ammo: According to the Strategy Guide and unlockable extras, the beam weapon used by Geonosian Elites is powered by the internal fluids of its Geonosian user. Meanwhile, each of the four clones is given at least some depth with their voice interactions. There are only three missions, on Geonosis, a Republic Cruiser, and Kashyyyk, each divided up into four to six sections, and while each is worthy of being called as long as any one of Deus Ex's "missions" it's over quickly, especially with the Cliffhanger ending. Fixer, a by-the-book no-nonsense soldier who specializes in slicing (that is, hacking) computer networks.ĭelta Squad fights against Separatists and their Trandoshan allies to attack vulnerable targets and complete critical objectives to ensure victory for the larger Republic forces. Sev, a Cold Sniper and another Deadpan Snarker, obviously specializing in marksmanship. Scorch, a Deadpan Snarker, who is the heart and soul of your team, as well as your demolitions expert. You are assisted by three other commandos: A Star Wars Legends First-Person Shooter released in 2005 for the Xbox and PC, and one of the most well-received games to come out of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Republic Commando puts you in the shoes of RC-1138 "Boss", leader of Delta Squad ( No, not that one nor that one), a special forces unit in the Clone Army.